The bellow project description is an invitation to participate too ^_^

Glass Beads Game 

“You [Castalians] treat history as a mathematician does mathematics, in which nothing but laws and formulas exist, no reality, no good and evil, no time, no yesterday, no tomorrow, nothing but an eternal, shallow, mathematical present.”
– Hermann Hesse,“The Glass Beads Game”

– a mobile app intended to aid in attending to Inter-atunnement research method, initially purposed for managing research process for R1RA hypothesis, and now for researchers and creators alike – those working in transdisciplinary projects, those looking to get transdisceplinary within their projects and minds.

1.) It organises all data in horizontal motion timeline streams to help user deeper understand notion of timing in regards to information processing and memorisation, decision-making. 2.) It provides multiplicity of streams encouraging to input read articles, work and personal notes in parallel to one another to fascilitate deeper and wider understanding of work-relevant information by observing self and self within other information thus also fascilitating more mental flexibility and concept-making. 3) It serves as allegories simulator – any user may suggest their allegory they apply in their work and it will be translated into other languages – e.g. concept in physics, cosmology or biology. This is why it is called after Glass Beads Game – to flex translation capacity. Translation seems to be the stumbling stone across multiple fields of study both in science and tech. 4.) These allegories are also a think-tank space for the community. 5.) These allegories can also be voted to be illustrated by animators thus providing help to digital illustrators. Surely, via crypto space.

for the purpose of

Retraining one’s mind to take notice of relevant information throughout a broader spectrum of data and do so quantitatively more per acts of searching.


1. Mental and emotional health affect choices and conclusions and results and products made. How we feel during creating – effects how and what we create and those who these creations are purposed for, what conclusions they make, actions they take and how they effect us, the creators.

2. Doing anything with consciously dedicated attention – increases results by 30%.


– Functions and byproducts
– Enhance one’s mental capacity rather than replace it

Phase 1: recording, detecting and increasing quantity

Visually, akin to a music visualiser, a graph with dynamic parallel streams moving from left to right. 

Upon zooming in – it is possible to distinguish dots – events – recordings of work-related articles, personal notes, meetings and locations visited. They are automatically sourced from user’s other apps. Each stream represents a theme regardless of whether it is personal or work-related – since both effect choices and results in our research and creations.

By virtue of taking notice of relevant synchronicities
– it primes user to coordinate own’s innate information filtering – one based on synchronicities
– and as use of app progresses in time – training of mind happens in the following ways:

In being a game-like chase for synchronicities – it may increase mood. As attention positivitely and repeteadly is directed to one’s chosen interests – overtime one starts doing so oneself i.e. develops intuition.

By virtue of motion thus presenting us with an opportunity to develop one more route to finding and combining and conceptualising information – a more organic way of personalised search filter, more inclusive of intuition factor is developed. 

A playful way of making decisions assists in working through decision fatigue and analysis paralysis
- visually moving streams effect psychology of time perception and help to prioritise and increase finding and selection of relevant information.
Phase 2: translating, reshuffling and conceptualising
Inter-translate allegories, personal concepts, animations, mathematical equations, physics simulations

A growing library for all of us to share:

One may suggest  an allegory or parable to be translated into a simulation –
To connect people from different spheres - by exercising them to see / think like other
Plastic mind via translations
To widen thinking scope

Between Phase 1 and Phase 2: retraining and consolidation

other features

1. Hover-over to find out about the neuroscience behind the features of the app along the way, including mental health and work results benefits

as part of other projects / in zoom out

< input: why they are together what’s the bigger vision, mental plasticity benefits and work results benefits>

Work hygiene manual kit

A workflow dedicated to responsible researching and creating by which one works exclusively in good spirits and for good purposes.

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