Circumstances rather than principle

Actions, objects and enactors of actions and their perceived point of connecting are self-aware information pouches or entities, in non-hierarchic interacting, relations and associations, their seemingly obvious bonds and exceptional circumstances. They are configured, observed and analyzed during conjunction between one another and not outside of their inter-connecting. Entities multiplicate outwards according to “1+1=3”. They don’t self-replicate.

Actions by and onto entities centripate towards self-sufficient rearrangement. Rearrangement of perceiver and thus adjustment and as byproduct – adjustment of perceived subject rather than adding onto the subject of perceiving.

Clusters of associations

To untie knots between thoughts and emotions - make less of new ones. To contribute to smoothing out translation knots – one may apply knowledge throughout mediums e.g. if one theoretically cognises of time as of a linear perceiving of an overlay of events – one may use present tense in daily life.

Rhythm in researching is untying knots of expectations and assumptions by exercising fluid translation of information and as byproduct become vulnerable and open, applying vulnerability, fluidity and flexibility to mimicking the subject of research, be trusting and provide circumstances for it to answer and reciprosically study the researcher in its own style.
Overlapping clusters of rhythms from neurophysiology to behavioral psychology of  decision-making

This approach thus also implies gathering information according to multiplex of researcher’s impulses rather than in a pre-rendered systemic fashion. Thus a system emerges yet it is ever-dynamic and ever-refreshed, ever peaking its precision.

Observing & analysing 

Pose indirect aims. As our linear perception may reflect desired information in a way as a mirror may reflect a ball, to interact with the ball in its less consciously known form

Take notice of rhythm of reacting to events in making dis/agreements and conclusions

Natural scene perception may contribute to choosing of scale and duration.

Observe during dynamic blurring and syncopated focus.

“How to Understand the Universe When You’re Stuck Inside of It?”
– Freefalling into vulnerability and sealing into feeling of it all rather than observing it from imaginary perspective and multiplicating sense of unknowing of otherness and thus fear. determined by the shape of human physical body and physiology of looking
– relevant exclusively for a chosen cluster of information i.e. conjunction of circumstances of all participants of attention act and is irrelevant for another e.g. may not be transfered as a treatment template

Researching inter-attunement

Mirroring mimmicking inter-atunning

Only way one can happen to see other – if other is mirror of one

Perceiving is creating

Freefall, trust, vulnerability, attention, translation, inter-attuning, mimicking, mirroring – interlace in a braid multiplicating and inter-influencing one another rather than leading from a to z. These may be the cast of academic research rather than lifestyle advise.

Mimmicking in study and research

The enactor, the process and the object of research mimic and study one another, collaborate with one another.

This includes translating linear perception of enactor into natural voluminosity of information - in all dimensions – including the intangible ones. This implies attuning minor elements e.g. physical motion of enactor of research and all of eternity of research.

Honouring and thus studying subject of interest by trusting i.e. mimicking it . This tight co-dependency of metaphoric and practical intentions honouring and attuning at every project and every step of it – aspires to be a subject to a test and a humble hope for practical effectivity of the method and metaphoric reciprocity from its object.
* Body shape and visual perception of perceiver and thus interaction with external world – co-shape. 

Mirroring within own perception system

As mental applies to emotional and bodily – bodily and emotional apply to mental , what if we may at will embed skills from one part of self onto another, study subject with all senses,  make flexible transfer of information?

Mirroring between eyes

The between brow is referred to as third eye and in sensing crackling in this area – one begins to see that which is unseen by human eyes. Eyes are reffered to as “mirrors of the soul”.  In focusing eyes on one another or on a dot between them which by reversing motion of trajectory may immitate their direct mirroring.

by inter-attuning research

Amalgamation rather than translation

In mathematics “translation” movement of a body from one point of space to another such that every point of the body moves in the same direction and over the same distance, without any rotation, reflection, or change in size.

– along with time experiences intense social attention and thus seases – if wish to contribute to velocity of density increase of form of communication other than translation – may master translation

Information sensing & intuition in research

(Dec 2019)

The method of binding the polar opposites of scientific and artistic, universal and egocentric volume of the research is the Glass beads game.

– It is how information and I meet each other. The conjunctions between my scientific “what-ifs” and scientific findings inter-attuning tighter to point where I may have a morning head pop-in of a new concept, get to studio, open a newsfeed and find a paper posted a week - a day - an hour ago reflecting the pop-in to jaw-dropping details.

Officially accepting intuition in research

Many of us use intuition in researching and making conclusions – some do so unknowingly. By non-hierarchichally accepting it from trash / noise data into the main stream of consciousoly used information, we might  seal through currently perceived limitations of our generic explorations and make some more yet qualitatively different exciting discoveries. All information effects us and thus, everything we create and extend to others. The only way we miss out on our discoveries is by consicously or unconsciously rejecting the information.

Could we be doing so for the purposes of sustaining quantivative ratios of choices comfortable for our current psyches to made decisions and act upon them?

Creative Creatures Covenant 2.0 is a project-in-making and is purposed to promote this approach in work processes.

- Can you unfold the tautology of the name?
– Firstly ^_^, I find tautology an eloquent tool.

While as the root subject of the research is rhythm, the act of its exploration is conducted by inter-attunement of information and actions created during exploring of the rhythm. While as the desire of researching rhythm is inter-attunement, the evolving rhythm of research are inspired to determine the principles of inter-attunement. The definitive and mathematical terms of self-sufficient rearrangement which are unsurpassed by adding, metaphorically reflect the influx structuring of multi-disciplinary geometric rhythm of inter-attunement.

The actions co-binding the influx of research are objectively-charged mathematical equations, scientific experiments and subjectively-charged practice of meditation, introspection and performance. i.e. acquired and produced information including personal introspection, scientific findings and writing of text, metaphors and calculations, experiments and performance will operate as a non-hierarchical equal elements co-determining trajectory of their deductive actions and transitional results. Geometric alignment of symbols and metaphors in music, philosophy and evolutionary physics streamed into volume of acquired information produced an idealistic method of Researching inter-attunement by inter-attuning research.

The tight co-dependency of metaphoric and practical intentions honouring and attuning to the subject is a test and a humble hope for practical effectivity of the method and metaphoric reciprocity from its object.

Personal life into an art project, reveals my attempt to mimic life and thus become party to human perpetuating attempt to create life.

Rhythmics class

detecting and training to consicously decide upon impulses and turnpoints a1nd attention involved in decisiom-making