The below derrives from durational self-experiments and self-observations in conditioning, trained synesthesia, psychoplasiticity, physical flexibility i.e. translating sensitivity between cognitive, emotional, physiological and physical percepatory system. They spured the initial idea of looking into correlations between visual perception, decision-making and time-perception.


Sensing into, accepting and including personal and external emotional circumstances, rearranging, incorporating them and revealing their benevolence.

– Vulnerable sharing of looking into love, coherence, grace, empathy to self and other, valour and tenderness, eating up to fullest with no shame and dissolving the concept of modalities – is in the air throughtout many social clusters.


– the elephant in the room; – Love as a choice – not for long; – Time over ;D because love; – Where attention to love and gracefullness is - gratitude, patience, forgiveness, detox and protection – turn absolete;
– Existance is love

Working in multifacet ways to be in coherence; to create that which may nourish coherence –fantasising, conceptualising, writing, making, sharing during perceiving coherence rather than necessity of / resistance to chaos / lack; sealing into vulnerability throughout personal physiology way to communication with perceptions of others, welcome personal mood, interests, circumstances as valid contributors to research rather than neglect them as noise data; grow out of concept of mistake.


– the elephant in the room

Individual fear-triggered decision to substitude or enhance the source of fear – produces a solution mirroring the intended purpose, thus sustaining, multiplying and facilitating mutation i.e. evolution and survival of fear. Fear serves fear.

Could it be that to experience creation which multiplicates coherence  – it may be benevolent to act counterintuitvely and allow act of creating rather than thrive to thicken it.

How Your Heart Influences What You Perceive and Fear 19072020 23:34

Etheric hygiene

– / work hygeine / Inter-atunnment research method preparatory exercises kit / new basics

Layer 1 – basic coherence

# infosensing, infosensing as design method, self-sufficiency, training for (hyper)sensitivity, trained synesthesia – for teachers, researchers, future off-Earlings with post-work and off-Earth living in mind

– a circumstance of mimicking and intuition;

– a basic requirement to attending to any work process – fascilitates skill to mirror, mimmick and inter-attune to the chosen curiousity.

Preserving cleanliness of mirrors rather than looking for reflections outside mirror

”There are no mere passengers aboard Spaceship Earth. We are all crew. And the survival of humanity depends on the integrity of the individual.” Buckminster Fuller

Disconnecting associations, abstractifying of visual, mental and sonic associations, simplification of internal and external verbalising, change of word style;

Break or dissolve borders of labyrinth rather than create new routes within the labyrinth – be precise

Hygeine in post-work

What if post-work is a conjunction of circumstances where dedicating at
tention to discovering self is not onl y a benevolent personal choice for a leisure? What if it reveals itself as a basic requirement for everyone?

Time perceiving (i.e. creating)

e.g. repetitive sound > finding versatility / trustfully following trajectory and volume of repetitive sound > Repetition i
n thought > silence in body and mind > perfecting repetition of body motion and thought > pre-sense of emotion, thought or action > knowledgeable validation of pre-sense;

Outdo (via mastering i.e. outliving or) socially-comforting three-phased arch of narration


Like in a movie “Contact”, this method encourages a researcher to develop multifacet and fluid attention rather than time.

– trajects through varying densities of decisions acts clusters entagling some of them along with its perpetuating motion and thus forming new ones

1. Gaze into emptyness and distinguish an unknown entity, gaze into known entity and reveal its unknown feature.

2. Gaze into knots of interaction between entities subjectively correlated information pouches with tracing the inter-connecting tissue - rhythm through mediums and to do so in

3. Increase density of inquiy with no set sequencial expectation and where physical action is the last resort.

4. Traject attention to all at once – connectings of meanings, their creating and effects (eg to fix relationship study relationship rather than its agents in self-sufficient arrangement to one another rather than as knots.), (e.g. to see into details - slow down and cover less develop attention)

Brain sensuality


– an outcome of and/or catalyst of etheric hygeine


Abstractifying incoming stimuli
i.e. untiying associations and assumptions, creating coherent environment for working via psycho-physio-physical exercises

Dissolve knots between information of curiousity and its associations, smooth out passages into a whole surface of associations via expanding variability of visual patterns via any exercise which requires to disattach from associations and imagine to see what one doesn’t e.g.:

Ongoing introduction to symmetryintroducing all of oneself to symmetry, daily – from posture, to sensations to surrounding objects, body movement, eye trajectory,  brain focus circulation – that is because it is the way for all to circulate most efficiently, to have airy puffy space between actions and subjects of actions – every day starting with basic symmetric action and multiplicating it harmoneously through the day. e.g. start a day with a plain tasting meal. Complexity fragments sensuality sucks life out of a melody – I mean do you remember any musician whose late days tunes are enjoyable? Overtime distinguish sonic rhythmics of one’s speach.

physical layer of coherence and enhacing sensitivity to information

Layer 2 / physical layer of coherence and enhacing sensitivity to information


👀 looking

1. Abstractify the incoming visual and auditory information rather than draw associations i.e. exercising pareidolia and assigning meanings e.g. “these clouds look like… an abstract formation;

2. Pick two or more persons / objects and imagine they switched their faces / body shapes / genders / manners / moods / colours / textures and observe them simultaneously in their alteration;

3. Eyes of love – relaxing eye muscles and lifting and eyelids allowing more oxygenation of eyes;

4. Look from one side to another while imagining to be doing otherwise;

5. Un/focus eyegaze from a certain point into a panoramic view;

6. Move eyegaze in a harmoneous and / or symmetric trajectory


While walking recognise the rhythm of your walking > uninterruptedly continue it by finding its mimicry in any of external visual or auditory stimuli which happens along the way - be it a colour pattern of trees, music paying in the car passing by, line trajectory of architectural elements or the sound of your footsteps > switch from looking to hearing sense to another - however you manage to perpetuate the initiated rhythm across the senses

👂 listening

Listen with the ear that is further away from the incoming sound
their creating and effects (e.g. to fix relationship study relationship rather than its agents in self-sufficient arrangement to one another rather than as knots.), (e.g. to see into details – slow down and cover less develop attention)

🖐 touching

Exercising in detecting density gradations of contact with external world e.g. by 1. touching objects only if less dense methods e.g. looking were performed touching. Thus,one multiplicates cherent space which is more adapt to benevolent creating.

Attention in abstractification


Gaze into emptyness and distinguish an unknown entity, gaze into known entity and reveal its unknown feature.
Gaze into knots of interaction between entities subjectively correlated information pouches with tracing the inter-connecting tissue - rhythm through mediums and to do so in
Increase density of inquiy with no set sequencial expectation and where physical intrusion is the last resort.

Attention in motion of physical body

Hands-free streaming

1. Move information streams and avoid their stagnating i.e. retaining of information e.g. in pursuing the notion of appropriating and giving knowledge. Perceive information as equally accessible to all who is interested.

2. Fill more of information labyrinth paths with attention i.e. take one more step which may be evaluated as unnecessary and ambiguous.

instastories of exercising translatability of percepatory rhythms – no archive and live – freshness and vulnerability

Multiplicating coherence
Creating coherent work may further multiplicate coherence.
Correlations between language and formation of expectations, physical action and emotion invite to imagine how the suggested style of psychological hygeine currently may be perceived as unnecessarily thorough or personal and be fit for general lifestyle advise rather than a seamless part of researching process, – may also be a seamless basis of hygeine of working sooner than we expect.

Working in multifacet ways to be in coherence; to create that which may nourish coherence –fantasising, conceptualising, writing, making, sharing during perceiving coherence rather than necessity of / resistance to chaos / lack; sealing into vulnerability throughout personal physiology way to communication with perceptions of others, welcome personal mood, interests, circumstances as valid contributors to research rather than neglect them as noise data; grow out of concept of mistake


Precision beam of condensated attention

First think, feel and imagine. Only then - act in the next layer of density - be it writing, talking, or moving.

Intention and produced thought or feeling over repetition – densely fill the enclosing space.

e.g. in writing a letter, message, a comment, an emoji –

1. be coherent,
2. focus on the receiver,
3. feel precisely as possible the information and feeling you wish to send, send only that which may be benevolent for the receiver,
4. rewrite it as many times or focus as precisely as possible – to extend an coherent and clear message,
5. Press “send” in moment of feeling joy and coherence e.g. The empasis on privacy of temples where monchs pray – may be in aspiration to avoid the intension and the prair to difuse and weaken.

Presence of another with another intension or more less focus – may deminnish concentration and thus may shorten perceived distance and ofset desired trajectory of thought or feeling. Condensation and precision of intension may also be imagined as the engine and varying powerfulness of magic wands and crystals.

▶︎ live editing

Words sensing

– Definition that consist of words polinate our mental and further emotional and physical concepts of self and further - of others and further more complex juxtapositions of all the above mentioned.

“Psychophysics quantitatively investigates the relationship between physical stimuli and the sensations and perceptions they produce. Psychophysics has been described as "the scientific study of the relation between stimulus and sensation" or, more completely, as "the analysis of perceptual processes by studying the effect on a subject's experience or behaviour of systematically varying the properties of a stimulus along one or more physical dimensions". Psychophysics also refers to a general class of methods that can be applied to study a perceptual system. Modern applications rely heavily on threshold measurement, ideal observer analysis, and signal detection theory.”

Multiplicating and convoluting of clusters of unconscious associations into more dense layers of one

Words, their sequences and associative emotions attach to habits of body muscles and thus brunch more complex and less tracible expectations which cover decision-making derrived from linguistic, physical and all the in-between memory thus expectation and communication with external world. Clustering of associations
disconnecting associations, abstractification of visual associations, simplification of internal and external verbalising, change of word style,   To know motivations and desires – understand subconscious. Subconscious may be a dynamic net of clusters of inter-associations. To untie knots between thoughts and emotions - make less of new ones. To contribute to smoothing out translation knots – one may apply knowledge throughout mediums e.g. if one theoretically cognises of time as of a linear perceiving of an overlay of events – one may use present tense in daily life.

Hierarchy in wording mirroring hierarchy in mental self-concept

Take notice of words which define hierarchy and one-way linear multiplicating of actions
1. evoke sense of inability e.g. “should, need” – rather chose
2. assume distrust and misunderstanding e.g. “thank you”
3.  manipulate into suggestion or inversion
4. contrast-implying e.g. “hope” (implies uncertainty, imperfection, lack, lack of confidence, discontent, time-based)
5. imply causality .e.g. “because”
6. imply completion .e.g. “conclusion”
7. diminutives e.g. “doggie”
8. time-implying e.g. “conclusion, always, never, absolutely, definitely”
9. compare e.g. “most, least, very”
10. evaluations e.g. “right, wrong”, adjectives,
11. through negative statements invite into inversive behavior e.g. “don’t” e.g. 10 commandements,
12. initiated between negative circumstances e.g. O.K., swearings

Deceiving words and word combinations

– a growing dictionary;

mirror precisely the style by which we as society disallow ourselves personally to

1. “High achiever” word high implies vertical trajectory and may elisit stress and resistance to wanting to develop the quality which is being described by this word combination,

2. “History” – repeats as long as people talk about it. It is also a deceiving word by being of time - once spoken it’s not history anymore while unspoken is out of radar of experiencing ie what is described as existing. Being of circular structure this word itself promotes repetition “as if” 27022020 00:35 
3. “there always exception to the rule” - why - heather than part of rule if always there - change rule  - historic psy formation - is it laziness avoidance of dealing with authority to change rule? - like with language written where half letters not pronounced. 21022020

Made-up defifinitions relevant to subjects of interest

Developing one’s definition to participants of intended sequence of acts – may allow knowing them more precisely, precisioning communication with them and if desired, reperceiving that which was engaged via qualities that mirrored and thus activated undesired limiting behaviors i.e. stagnating and contracting. 


trained skill: sensitivity to words, their sequencing, rhythmics of their sequencing,

Psycholinguistics and perception i.e. creating of external world

As we share the cognising of how we physiologically act and sip volume of information through a linear wording thus co-creating perceotion of time, desire for subject to be static and observable, translation is a stumble stone - in brain-imaging, technologies, personal interactions - in all aspects of our mind advancement – as it is an inevitable reflection of it. Likeso, there’s a tendency for something to lag if a researching is set in a hierarchic structure e.g. of priorities.

Creating one’s own precise definitions to concepts of interest;

Tautology may be an eloquent tool to deliver information within the current language.

Feeling in wording

Favour feeling of a concept (e.g. “thank you”) over its internal and external verbalising. This may enhance precision of wording and understanding of it.

Mirroring between wording and physical body

Words, their sequences and associative emotions attach to habits of body muscles and thus brunch more complex and less tracible expectations which cover decision-making derrived from linguistic, physical and all the in-between memory thus expectation and communication with external world.

Psychophysics of deception in time-based words

ongoing since Feb 2016 : self-experiment : psycholinguistics / psychophysics

Deceiving words - grouping of words and expressions sublimating personal and social separation.

Experiment protocoll:

– Ascension - stagnating and deceiving word because motion is not upwards from down - it’s sinking into rejuvenation by multiplication of more beautifully harmoniously organised syncopes - because reached yet another complexity number and organisation into new type of sequence of interdependence of beauty,
As it should - as I personally chose
– Comparative adjectives - e.g. most, least, very, super, ultra, best
– Conclusion - it’s a process
– Conditioning - e.g. "necessary, should" - there’s only choosing and wanting
– Evaluative - e.g. right, wrong, “it is not so” most times feels to say “not only so” and to greediness over opinion domination as a protection out of habit inclines to make a more border defined one sided
– Exclamations
– "Fear your desires" - no fear, sacrifice reputation - it saving not sacrifice,
– History - repeats as long as people talk about it. It is also a deceiving word by being of time - once spoken it’s not history anymore while unspoken is out of radar of experiencing ie what is described as existing. Being of circular structure this word itself promotes repetition.
– Hope
– Infantilisations e.g. doggie,
– Inversions
– Suggestions
– Swearings
– Thank you - I consciously acknowledge our connection
– Time-based tense of verbs - future past - breed dissatisfaction and divert from responsiblity - Use only present tense - be precise to best of currently comprehendible local ability
– O.K. - alright - initiated in negative circumstances,
– 10 commandements - based on negative statement promoting undesired behavior


– Record things you want be remembered
– Each message written word spoken - not voiced unless it’s felt - hence talk and write less
– Record anything only when you feel it


– One may unconsciously attach them to a random body part in moment where increased activity of this word and that specific muscle come into conjunction. Further repetition and or recognising similar patterns in proximity - may strengthen the ties.
– Static time-attached absolutes e.g. conclusion, words like “always, never, absolutely, definitely”