

– a responsive housingt for training of (hyper)sensitivity and coherence with focus on:
– caregivers and “educators” of (hyper)sensitive youths,
future off-Earthlings,
– creatives and researchers,
– post-work experimenters,

– local community members

– which naturally overflows into “Beautiful Lava” – an architectural “thank you” project for the land which hosts “Dom”

All at once in Dom

As everything may be akin to a sypher wheel and a mirror ball – so is this house multipurpose.

It does not hold a purpose of helping. Word “purpose” may narrow the spectrum of vision of possibilities. Whilst as such notes may seem pedantic to some – precision may begin, be and end with precision.

it may be deemed as “a given” - official aknowledging of this udnerstanding – may unimaginably rebirth the preccision, officiency and pleasantness.

while as word “help” may only multiplicate sense of incompletion and lagging.

akin to Asclepieia – Ancient Greek healing temples dedicated to doctor-demigod Asclepius, akin to

Like all other avatars of one’s psyche – it invites one to explore, observe and master self. Unlike other avatars of one’s psyche – this one shaped in a house – requires more subtle attention to recognise the mirroring.

It is built for psychoperceptual self-training into coherence. By default, this implies replanishing throughout etheric, emotional, mental, sonic and physical bodies of its occupant.

Beautiful lava
housing for locations with volcanos
Information exchange platfrom
Designers Highly sensitive youths Land people Off-Earthers

Sensitivity and information sensing Harmonious co-creating may only be from exchange of information. Integration is an inherently faulty concept by propelling lagging.Action kit, exercises
Invites to co-create a new basic mark of one’s psychological coherence – along with the house. The more external mirrors of cohenrece we create – the more it mirrors into our psyche and nourishes our perception of internal and external worlds, our decisions.

Some of the following may seem like “too much”. Meantime, with attention one may notice it is the minor off-beat of attention conjunctions of circumstances which fascilitate us to provide yet one more boost towards a specific act which one may not even recognise as a habbit. In being habbits, i.e. in being a action multiplicated over decisions of one inevitably, over multiplicity of other ones - the sequences vary drastically in a general zoom-in and are more uniformal in zooming into their matrix behavioral patterns. These micropatters are the ones which Dom encourges to take notice of.


A single-occupancy house consisting of six bee-hive-shaped domes set in a geometry where each dome is a room. This zoning allow for condensing according purpose, allowing to focus on the selected tast thus also enhancing decision-making and commitment. The level of comfort experienced in such spaces – may be mirroring “upon entry” level of coherence.


Bathing in cosy visions of all-day play with transluscent rainbowy shiny and light ether

In the spirit of Luxor temple in Egypt, it is personalised according to
one’s height and body shape. Walls, ceiling and imbeded furniture change between rounded and sharp corners –
They also change in height.

Prefference over the available configurations – mirrors and effect one’s psychological state. Taking notice of it – is the first step to learning to control it.

The shape-shifting functions may be enacted sensorically – via 4D printing or manually – via borrowing principles of origami.

– Is there anything simmilar?

– 26 Apr 2020 “Cases obos” are built by Musgum people in north of Cameroon. They much resemble the idea of the shape of the rooms and their organisation gaometry.

– This project is not about Bioshere type situation. Its purpose rather is decluttering of mind through taking notice of bodily gestures, internal and external behaviors and witnessing environment response to it thus assisting decluter as well as simultaneous assisting in release of the clutter by shinier posibitlities spread by the housing – through its structre, personalsied shape and size, materials and their psychogeometrical positioning.

– 2022 Stumbled upon a somewhat similar practice in Taoist culture – “Dark room”. One stays in a completely unlit room for 7 days in order to meditate, face and release fears.

A kit to grow and 4D print a responsive house with organic interior which responds to person’s psyche thus informs.  

Rhythm in Dom

It is an architectural shape mirroring exploration of the same theme of interplay between rhythm of attention and density of its byproduct.

Mirroring in Dom

Its structuring mirrors and focuses precision of physical, emotional, mental and etheric state of its inhabitant.

In mirror-multiplicating motion, sonic and etheric grace – this house like a beam increases precision of grace and coherence between occupant and self. Thus they cofulfill each others’ aspirations of multiplying grace.

it allows to do so also in expressing coincidence of physical shapes, velocities, and trajectories self and its occupant and its adjustable shapes

open to accept love reflected in our mirrors that we are to one another.


will consist of Self-sufficiency of human body kit, exercises in rhythmics of decision-making

Attention in Dom

These houses intend to allow its occupant to discover self as a whose attention allows to detect knots in clusters within subconscious, and to dissolve them into conscious,

to fascilitate enhancement and exercising of sensitivity, attention in feeling, thinking, seing, hearing and touching, time perceiving (i.e. creating), retraining expectations, distinguishing ongoing persona, personality design.

trajectory of walking, trajectory of eyegaze, poses and their relashionship to enclosed space, mimics, evaluating action prior to acting (e.g. looking first and only touching if looking hasn’t provided desired information), coordination and precision in hearing, relashionsip with objects and space, vocal and internal wording

– If the training is in isolation – once out – won’t all come back to previous state?

– It is close to impossible to deminish sensitivty or leave behind a benevolent routine.

–  How did this idea come about?

– It came about in 17:11 27 Jun 2019. It derives from long-term self-entraining in sensitivity and long-term self-conditioning to a wide spectrum of spacial, emotional and mental environments e.g. deprivation from external information, restricted in movement in a closed island village with unique foreign culture and new people, deprivation from water access, deprivation from privacy in foreign culture in conjunction with rigid etheric hygiene regime, isolation, a year of eating same foods, dry-fasting, music deprevation, a year withought drinking water, long-term solo traveling and solo hiking in unknown environment

This project stems from personal pleasures of learning to ever-detalise sensitivity, devotion to open to outmost capability of latent abilities of human body, claiming that which may sooner than we think be indistinguishable part of our lives and partially not is today in conjuction with being called “superhuman” where a prefix “super” psycholinguistically separates its experiencer from acccepting and thus perceing and advancing of our individual bodies let to us by Earth

Rnd network in Dom
this IOT network for retraining visual expectations may be directly utilized in training for off-Earth living.

Creating new outlook on environment.

Creative Creatures Covenant in Dom

Post-work in Dom

Socio-psychologically, post-work may be perceived as a precursor to off-Earth living. It may be a productive circumstance to exploring and enhancing hygeine, coherence, sensitivity and information sensing.

Off-Earthlings’ trainining in Dom

This house is a lush experience of all that any Earthling ever experienced other than in dreams or cartoons.

It invites to feel thrill at the idea of experinecing new and unknown. As we know, true copy is a deceptive sequence of thoughts.

Rather than attempting to copy that which is known and habitual, in trying to bring Earth with – in witnessing the attempts which may ever be bleak, by reaffirming to self the idea of “leaving behind” of “stripping yourself from”, one may experience enhanced sense of seperation, sadness of  and recreative attemps may only grow a painful reminder.


The mentality of archiving and saving for later, categorising - may seem to ought to be particularly enhanced in the subjected circumstances. Meantime, this project suggests to unstuck focus from unpredictability, to first ready each individual

This sequence of thoughts and emotions I took notice of amongst new comers to Hawaii – those who ran away from undesired rather than ran towards desired.

In bringing the old with - strip from seeing new - these cycles on individual and social scale - only all at once approach may

Expectations according to “R1RA” in Dom

The above in turn may lead to limiting in spectrum of possible vision of what may be offEarth and not be detected due to repetetive Earthly visual expectations.

Our eyes are more likely to take notice of that which we are accustomed to.

In training to visually perceiving foreign beauty,

In surprising its occupant in way which are off-beat to one’s individual previous habitual patterning, it invites to retrain expectations.

This house invites to be dazed by the new and thus leash the habbits that may not serve off-Earth in a way that is accordance with the new.

Looking to the new as more expansive - as it inevitably is by being the byproduct of moving.

Traning observation and neutrality allows for more agile, lightweight short-cut decisions with pleasantly exciting outcomes.

Training sensitivity and retraining visual expectations

Mimicking in off-Earth Dom

Mimicking in
interacting with nature / understanding of self via understanin nature / advancing the latter via harmonious living with nature


Having stepped on these beautiful lands, I’m in owe to come back with presents which may assist their human caregivers in distinguishing conceptions of selves and how they mirror in their relashionship with the lands, to yet even moreso to discover more of the lands and thus selves

fascilitate local communities to reproduce these houses by organising logistics for sourcing and delivering of local materials, providing live video assistance, helping with paperwork, 

introducing them to ways of trusting and communicating with nature they live in by sharing native stories to the new comers, organising wild walks to assist releasing fear which is present only as long as nature is held at distance and thus remains the dangerous unknown.

Field research adventure

Jan 2018 - May 2019 I spent traveling solo in search for possible locations for Dom. I followed my heart. These places – nowhere have I felt so safe and nourished. All that which wasn’t the most intimate and magical moments of unity with the lands, – was documented in Instastories. 

 As we as a family of Earthlings have created for ourselves circumstance by which we have no choice but to reinforce ourselves to do that which we have been wanting as individuals and didn’t have the guts to –  release tensions about competition and endevour into bliss of communicating with nature, ...


Today these vast lands may be of harsh conditions for human living. Yet, their people love them just for what they are. Yet, what if rather than creating tools for protecting selves from their behavior which some may deem as mischevious, we may act curious, open and dynamic communicating with them – to only find ourselves in understanding and thriilling relashionship with these events? In gazing at them with eyes beaming love rather than fear, in playfully mimicking them – we may distinguish what they mirror into our knowing the “howto” live with them. 

Beautiful deserts and volcanos, thank you for all you do. We want to be with you. We love you so.


Hawai’i, USA

“Beautiful Lava”
– with volcanic erruptions and tsunamis in mind.

People may feel different about their proximity to soil and yet still want a solution which may be cofortable to them personally. This is why and for purposes of curious experimenting there are two suggestions.


Earth house

Its circular shutters are steeped into the soil surrounding the house and may be turned any direction – be worry coming from the center of the land or the ocean. 


Tall-basement houses


Submarine-like windows raising from the top of the house – provide access to the newly reorganised surface. Dougnaut-shaped boats are imbedded in the dougnaut-shaped walls surrounding these windows and may be accessed through it. These boats can float both on water and ash – akin to water and sand surfing. They can also automatically float to caregiving stations and come into safe formations with other boats of own kind for communication and exchange.

Vertical gardening may be a fitting solution for circumsntaces where either lava or water might be one to bare the fruit or if it already happened or if one cannot financially afford a land.

off-Earth living experimenting in Hawaii

Big Island Hawai’i hosts an observatory and ongoing experiments of living on Mars. This circumstance may allow for more productivity through collaboration with these experienced teams.

Photo, iPhone, nofilter, Jul 2017

Dendara, Egypt

– 3D printed basalt fiber or mud

We all with a varying precision feel – this place is special. This land and river Nile are densly packed with cultural, etheric, geological and historical information. They are thus act as one of “reset buttons” which may ease and enhance any activity of a dom.

Soul of Egypt Travel, thank you
Sekem - economy of love ”The humans care for and see all that is created as a reflection of paradise on earth.” Dr. Ibrahim Abouleish

Nubian desert
built-in hollow rock – with sand winds in mind